Brain Basics
In Brain Basics, Dr. Gerald A. Epling explains how connections in the brain drive the way we see and feel. Once a few brain systems engage, patterns of activation become predictable. Brain Basics shows how to recognize and engage these systems. June 23, 2016.
Format: Book.
External Indication of an Internal Decision
Description: A poster presentation by G.A. Epling from the 47th annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society. November 18, 2006.
File Format: portable document format (pdf), File Size: 234K.
A New Perspective on Remembering and Knowing Faces.
Description: Unpublished manuscript by G.A. Epling featuring an explanation of how two different states of consciousness may be obtained. The suggestion is made that more than one underlying primitive process of cognition is active in recognition memory. November, 2002.
File Format: portable document format (pdf), File Size: 129K.
Face Distinctiveness is a Better Factor than Study List Organization in the Prediction of Remember/Know Judgments.
Description: A poster presentation
by G.A. Epling from the annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society. November, 2002.
File Format: portable document format (pdf), File Size: 366K.
Recognizing the Unstudied Face: The effect of prolonged relational processing.
Description: A poster presentation
by G.A. Epling from the annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society. November, 2001.
File Format: portable document format (pdf), File Size: 976K.
Hypermnesia and the Primitive Processes of Cognition.
Description: Text and graphics of a presentation featuring recognition hypermnesia with item-specific processing by G.A. Epling from the 30th Annual Convention of the Society for Computers in Psychology in November, 2000.
File Format: portable document format (pdf), File Size: 172K.
A supporting document that features greater detail is also available: Primitive Proceses of Cognition and the Production of Hypermnesia.
File Format: portable document format (pdf), File Size: 113K.
Remembering and Knowing Faces Based Upon Primitive Processes of Cognition.
Description: A poster presentation by G.A. Epling and J.C. Bartlett from the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Society in June, 2000.
File Format: portable document format (pdf), File Size: 154K.
Pathway-selective l-isoproterenol potentiation of pyramidal cell activation in field CA1 of the rat hippocampal slice.
Description: A poster presented from the Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (1995) by Cooper, D., Dahl, D., Epling, G., Nejtek, V., Moushegian, G. School of Human Development and Communication Sciences, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas, 1995.
File Format: portable document format (pdf), File Size: 213K.